pet portraits in acrylic on canvas
Horse Portrait Gallery
Here are a few of the fine art portrait paintings
I've recently created for delighted horse owners world wide.
Canvas size ranges from 4" x 4" up to 30" x 40"
Portraits can be created with a custom border or without.
Custom painted frames are available.
Click on each horse's portrait below for a larger view and full information

Painted horse portrait, also titled,"He Read Him Right". Badger is a Cutting Horse. Here he is in action, hard at work. This is a double canvas portrait. The border design matches the design and colors of the rider's custom made chaps.

Selket Marque
Custom horse portrait painting of Selket Marque, a Bay Arabian Stallion, owned by Color of Fame Arabians, Germany

Horse portrait painting on canvas of Sir Ruben, a Fresian Horse. Sir Ruben was one of three Fresian's who participated in the Portland Rose Festival. All of horses' manes were adorned with beautiful fresh red roses, hence the roses climbing on the trellis on the hand painted border.
Sir Ruben -"Roses, Roses, All the Way"

Painted horse portrait of Tex, a Quarter Horse. This portrait has a custom painted border and a custom hand painted frame. The design on both represent cowboy boot stitching and the weathered star matches the star on Tex's bridle.

First Class Ticket
Hand painted horse portrait painting of First Class Ticket, a Paint Horse who is a Hunter Jumper

Portrait painting of Tally, a Shire Horse Mare

Hand painted horse portrait of Tommy,
an Arabian Stallion

Custom horse portrait paintings of Prydarson, a Fjord Horse. He is the highest-rated evaluated Norwegian Fjord Stallion in North America,. Owned by Bob & Donna Long, of Long View Grange Farm, master breeders of Fjord Horses. Visit their website:

Zahbadd Zahir
Portrait of Zahbadd Zahir, a gorgeous Arabian Stallion. He is owned by Lisa Abraham. I've painted him in his beautiful custom halter and breast piece created especially for him, with elements appearing in the border as well. Lisa is a very talented Equine photographer and journalist working in the world of Arabian Horses. Please visit her website:
See Horse Portraits created in my other style of pet portrait painting - Pen/Ink & Acrylic on Fine Art Paper:
Please click on the boxes below to learn more about my custom pet portrait paintings
Please visit the Happy Client pages to read testimonials
and to see delighted customers with their horse and the portrait.
Ready to have me paint your horse's portrait?
To arrange your FREE portrait consultation
contact me - or better yet call me at 602.770.0529
to schedule!