A Endearing & Enduring Pet Portrait is Always Based On:
Quality materials: paint, ink, canvas, paper
Great photos of the animal
Knowledge of my subject's personality
Understanding my client's expectations
Attention to detail
Relying on practiced artistic techniques
Commitment to excellence
Over the past 25 years I've had the pleasure of creating hundreds of portraits.
While the subjects change - the process I use never does.
I only use materials of the highest quality for my paintings, the portraits I create will last for many, many years to come.
Steps I take when I create a pet portrait:
Prep the canvas/cut paper to size
Sketch the subject onto the surface I'm using
Portraits on canvas - painting the sides
Paint the background elements
Paint the border elements (if this style has been chosen)
Paint the animal
Spray the finished portrait with a matt spray varnish
Attach hanging wire/attach double mats (to portrait on paper)

As you can see, I put a lot of work & effort into the creation of a pet portrait!
If you've decided that you'd like to have me create a beautiful portrait
of your favorite animal in one of my unique styles
email me - or better yet call me at 602.770.0529
to schedule your FREE portrait consultation to discuss!